1 min read

The struggle of writing anything in the public domain

Starting my blog feels like Morning Pages: writing anything until I fill 3 pages. No one's reading, so I'll write for me. Consistency is key.

As I said previously, writing Morning Pages is writing anything just as long as you fill 3 pages, and no one is allowed to read it because the minute you let even one person read it, you'll feel like you're writing for someone already and not yourself.

This is what I'm feeling, that's why it's been days since I've written anything. I feel like I need to write something really really awesome to be able to publish anything. When really, no one's here but me.. and even if there are people reading this apart from me, no one knows it's me. I'm an otter.

So today, I've decided to write anything, just to get the ball rolling.

I've put myself in a coffee shop, cleared all my tasks that I can use as a convenient excuse to not write.. and well.. now I'm sitting here writing whatever.

It's working, now.. what do I write about?

I usually write about my feelings, notes that I want to get back to next time, that will act as my second brain.. like a Pensieve.

But somehow I'm struggling with how I want it to look, in the 0.1% chance someone would read it. So I should stop it and just write for myself.

We all know to get there it's all about consistency. To be extraordinary, we do ordinary things extraordinarily consistent.

I just need to get used to this, because I have a lot of things to share in my daily adventures of travelling and business.