5 min read

Removing my mercury - an honest unpaid review of TLC Dental in the UK

Why I removed my mercury amalgams and how it transformed my life. From mood swings to calm focus, learn about the benefits and the safe removal process.
Removing my mercury - an honest unpaid review of TLC Dental in the UK

Why I removed my mercury amalgams

I've been seeing this homeopathic doctor starting last year, because apparently, my erratic behavior of getting easily irritated about random things is not normal.

And I think most people don't realize that if you find yourself lazy, procrastinating, having anger management issues, get easily shy – these are signs of some kind of health imbalance and there's a possibility that it's not a part of your personality.

Blaming your genes for something is not really a thing, according to homeopathy.. and I get the feeling that anyone and everyone can achieve bliss and their most productive lives ever, if only we were in tip top shape!

So I've been taking some homeopathy meds and so far I've been doing better than before, except I still get overwhelmed meeting people or feel extremely angry or annoyed at something, on some days (but not as often).

i eat sugar pills like this for my homeopathy meds

I've come to a point where I cannot proceed further with my consultations until I completely remove my mercury, which is a constant source of toxins, leading to my unstable emotions.

Do you know the character Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland? Apparently, it's based on the mad hatter's disease, which is a form of mercury poisoning that affects the brain and nervous system. That's why the character was "mad".

the crazy mad hatter

It's dated way back in the 18th - 20th century where hat makers used mercury in the hat making process and developed mercury poisoning.

So no matter how hard I try, if I don't remove my mercury, I won't get anywhere and the mercury in my teeth will constantly imbalance me.

So she recommended me to get this book - 5 Dental Detox Days as a guide to how to find the right dentist, and what to do before, during and after the treatment.

Finding a SMART Dentist

My doctor told me to find a biological dentist who knows how to safely remove the mercury since it's very toxic.

A dentist that's a member of the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology) is highly recommend because they practice SMART - the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique.

There's not a lot of those, and none eligible from my home country so that means I had to fly somewhere to get it removed or risk removing it improperly and swallowing mercury!

I wanted to find from Japan or Korea but I don't speak the language, so finding an english-speaking SMART dentist there might be more difficult. I plan to find one as soon as I get back from the UK.

But just out of curiosity, I also quickly checked my options in the UK.

Just so happens, one of my friends who's a local, was a semi-retired dentist, now a clinic owner, and his clinic practices SMART! And as a bonus, they have so many good heartfelt written reviews on their Google profile.

Being an Asian, and coming from a 3rd world country, I'm quite price sensitive. I still have my reservations, but all prices were published on their site and they're quite reasonable.

So I went ahead and got my initial consultation with Dr. Kellie Jones from TLC Dental. She got a close up picture of all my teeth at the back and took an x-ray of my mouth.

She then explained my issues per tooth, regardless of whether it had mercury or not. I felt that she really cared and answered all my questions even though they were not directly related to my intended purpose.

She also explained how in the olden times, these mercury fillings came with in a box that had a lot of warnings and you had to be protected to hold them. And there are proper ways to dispose of them.

I had 3 fillings that I need replaced, and she said it will take around 2 hours, which is not that long of a procedure.

I also got some recommendations about what's the best toothpick and best floss to use. The baking soda toothpastes are too abrasive and the water picks are not as effective in cleaning.

The procedure

The day of the procedure came, I'm ready to be mercury-free!

I removed everything that I can remove from my person, in case my things get contaminated and entered the room.

In the room, there are strong mercury vapor air purifiers turned on. A lot of the things were covered (in plastic or not, it all seemed a haze). I sat down and prepared myself to open my mouth for a long period of time.

Before the procedure, they had me drank a glass of water with chlorophyll and charcoal, which will help in the detoxing of the mercury.

Then they covered my whole body, including my eyes and head. Everyone in the room was also all covered to reduce exposure.

They put some numbing gel and then injected anesthesia on the areas where the mercury will be removed. Then a rubber dam was put on so only the concerned tooth is exposed.

i got this picture off the net, so you have an idea but unlike this photo, my whole face and body were covered

I couldn't see any of the procedure since my eyes were covered too, but I heard some drilling. And since my teeth were numb, I didn't feel any pain too, or anything at all.

The removal of mercury on all of my 3 teeth were pretty fast, like maybe around 30 - 45 minutes.

The rest of the process for replacing the filling was pretty standard, and took longer than the mercury removal procedure. I requested for a mouth rest so my jaw won't get tired easily.

I drank another cup of that chlorophyll + charcoal solution afterwards and then I was done!

I still cannot swallow or talk properly because the anesthesia hasn't worn off yet so that's pretty funny.

How I feel after I removed my mercury

Somehow, my emotions felt more stable after that. Like even the things that were supposed to put me off, didn't make me feel as bad as before.

I felt calmer than before, and more rational.

I don't dread meeting new people as much..

And somehow I was also able to focus more. My mind is not as busy as before.

I know most of the people are still skeptical, like how can as simple as mercury removal solve a lot of problems? I'm not sure, but I feel happier, calmer each day and I know things are going to get better, not just internally but also externally.