3 min read

Different routines of different people

After college, everyone's lives are still similar. After graduating school, everyone finds a job.

Some people take the entrepreneurial path, while most of us work for others to get familiar with the work environment and learn new skills only a well-established organization can offer.

Some also go back to school to get a master's degree or study a whole new field like interior design.

Over the years, our paths start to diverge. Some explore work abroad, going back home 0-2 times a year.

Some quit their jobs and join their family businesses.

While mothers quit their careers entirely and become a full-time stay-at-home mom.

After 2 years of social distancing, and coming back to meet with my old friends, I realized how different our lives are, how different the routines are.

I guess that's why it's very appealing to me to watch "A day in a life" videos on Youtube because it's like taking a peek, doing a "What if" I live this kind of life? Will I be happier?

I still believe in parallel universes, I believe there's another version of me that's more miserable than where I am right now.

I say this because I feel like I'm living in one of the best timelines of all the universes. Sometimes I wonder how many of us can say the same thing?

I look at the everyday lives of everyone, what their routine look like:

A typical employee's would probably look like this:

  • Work from home today, get up later at 9am
  • Take a bath, prepare for work
  • Work
  • Eat at home
  • Work some more
  • Log off
  • Mindlessly scroll on social media
  • Sleep and repeat

Some are moms

  • Moms wake up earlier than the kids, to prepare breakfast
  • Take the kids to school
  • Go back to work if they have work, or socialize with other moms and wait for their kids
  • Get the kids back and take them home or to another class
  • Go back home, arrange dinner
  • Get kids to bed
  • Chill with husband
  • Sleep and repeat

Entrepreneurs don't have schedules, but they have a lot of time on their hands, so we can get some exercise in.

  • Wake up early
  • Gym, shower
  • Huddle with the team, or plan for the day
  • Do a bit of collaboration and strategizing
  • Do a bit of deep work
  • Meet more with clients or the team
  • Eat out with friends or go back home to rest

Most of the time it will just be variations of this, everyone has these routines, regardless of where they are.

Things almost look the same, what's the point of life? I wonder, since we're doing the same things, but results being achieved are different.

Maybe some started with their parents' help. Some needed to live independently, and buy their own house and car on their own, which will set them back 20 years into debt.

Some, with a great headstart, is able to be a part of a bigger organization, while some wake up - work - eat - sleep - and be a staff of a milk tea shop.

We all got the same 168 hours in a week, different classes, different starting points, different purpose.

Some do it for their kids' future, some do it for their parents, some build businesses that can help at least 1 person or a billion people.

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? I don't see anything grand happening, but I think it's not what we're doing that matters, but the purpose we feel in doing it, the emotional and mental part of us... our spirit, what makes us feel alive? What makes us happy?

I can be a janitor, sweeping the floor, sustaining my family, and be very happy.

I can be the daughter of a very rich company like SM and still be miserable.

So it's not the status, nor the money, nor the head start where we're born in. It's the state our mind is in, how we perceive things, no matter where our lives are, no matter which timeline we're living.